Ok, so I'm at school, and there's a shower. It doesn't get you wet, and you stand in it fully clothed. This is in fact, perfectly normal. So people start leaving there cos it's time for class, but I stay behind for a second, and dismantle the shower that sprays water over a shower area that looks remarkably like my school's auditorium, only no chairs, and it's decorated with bathroom tiles. I take out the bit that makes the water go, plus another little bit that looks like a memory stick. I then leave and head for class. Suddenly, I'm racked with guilt, and fear that I'll be caught, so immediatley after leaving the showertorium, I go straight to students services.
I say something on the lines of, "yeh, I stole this, but I don't want it," holding out the memory stick-like thing, and the guy there, (there are four people, one of which is a fairly overwieght guy) just points to this bin full of memory stick things. He asks me why I had it and I just said that I stole it. At this, one of the three remaining people turns around and says "you stole it?" This turns out to be my mum, which is odd, because I'd expect her to be really mad, and not mildly surprised by this. So that sorts itself out, and I ditch the memory stick thing, and the thing that makes the shower go there, and head to class.
I realise that it's English, and that I have homework to prepare for my speaking and listening test that I haven't done. Big amount of GCSE down the drain. So I get in the line to go in, which was oddly long, so long, in fact, that they created two parallel lines. This was perfectly normal. So I'm fretting about my English homework, and we're about to go into class...
And that's where it ends. I don't normally remember dreams, but when I do, they're pretty bizzare. How does that dream par up with everyone elses?
idk dreams are just bits of pieces and fractions that happend to you today or mabe in the past.
Well, this is bizarre, considering that they don't have a showertorium at school, water will get you wet, and I have no idea what goes into making a shower work, other than something pressurises the water which pushes it out the showerhead. Plus, they'd never make two parralel lines for class, there aren't enough people in any one lesson for it to be worth it.